Pic and Mix is all about Kent.  We want people who live, work or visit Kent to get involved in this initiative by using, transforming, and sharing information.

We’ve collated quite a bit of information and categorised it to make it easy for you to find.  Just go to the data section to see what’s there.


If you want to play with the data and create something that you think others will find interesting – that’s great!  Where possible, the data has been provided in a mashable format so you can use tools like Yahoo Pipes or the in-built IBM Mashup Center to customise the information.  Most mahups and data feeds on the Pic and Mix site have been created using either YahooPipes or the IBM Mashup Center.

  • IBM Mashup Center (if you want to use this please contact us for account details)
  • (go ahead and create your own account!)

There are some links on the right under ‘Getting Involved’ that cover some aspects of mashup creation with tutorials.


Once you’ve transformed the data, let us know what you’ve done –  – and we’ll post it on the site. If it impresses our techies, it may even appear as one of the top mashups on the home page!


We’d really like to hear any comments you have on the data, mashups, or Pic and Mix in general.  Each data page includes a feedback to capture your thoughts.  The discussion is moderated but we’re pretty quick at approving your posts (language permitting of course!). If you’d prefer to tell us what you think privately, please email 


We’ve developed some excellent training materials to explain mashups and how to create them.  If you think we’ve missed something and would like share your mashup expertise with our community, get in touch with our .


We would like to know what you think about our website, so we can make sure that it gives people what they need. So at the end of your visit please take our short questionnaire [https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/95T35SK] . It’s quick and anonymous.

Please note: the survey is only about this part of the website, not our other services. Also, as it’s anonymous, we won’t be able to respond directly to your comments. Finally if you are a staff member rather than a citizen, please use this staff survey instead: [ https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/95MDQ79 ]  

Thank you.