Terms and Conditions

By reading and continuing to use the site you agree to the following conditions of use.

The Pic and Mix Website (”the Website”) is operated by Kent County Council, County Hall, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 1XQ, UK.


Kent County Council (KCC) has made every effort to ensure that the information on this Website is accurate and up-to-date. However, we cannot accept responsibility for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused by reliance on inaccurate material contained in this Website.

Use of data

Using the data published on this site is governed by the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike license.

The following Code of Conduct has been taken from the Central Government Datastore guidance on open data usage.

The data is provided to you the developers for you to develop applications which will make the world a better place, providing more or improved utility for the general public based on public sector datasets. We are here to help you do the great things we know you’re itching to do, but, as part of this being a trusted space in which we work together, there are some basic rules.

You are encouraged to:

  • use provided live sources for the datasets as your primary data source, where possible – much of the data provided is dynamic and fluid (although in many cases over an annual or longer period of time), and basing your application on the keys in the data we are providing will ensure that your application is as up to date as possible;
  • where using our data feeds, please if possible cache the data over a short period of time to reduce load both on your application and our servers;
  • where you cannot use our live sources as the primary data source, please still use the keys contained within the data as the primary or foreign keys within your application, as this will enable you to migrate as simply as possible to up-to-date data and information when it is made available;
  • where using your own long-term caches of our data, please refresh the data within your application in a timely manner when a new set of the data is made available;
  • engage with us when something’s wrong – point out any inconsistencies in the data you find, make suggestions about how to improve the service, request new data sources to be added, and tell us about what you have built so we can help you to promote it!

You should:

  • refer back to and cite the origin or source of the data when using it;
  • clearly state where possible about which data is derived from official sources, which is from other sources, and which data is from any calculation within or outwith your app.

You must not:

  • make an application that pretends to be an official government service;
  • present the data in a misleading or incorrect manner or to misrepresent or change the data;
  • use this site for party political purposes, as the site paid for with public money so it is not appropriate to engage in party-political activity here;
  • use these materials in or to support a criminal or illicit activity;
  • use these materials on an application to inflame or make comments that are racist, sexist or homophobic, or which promote or incite violence and illegal activity. 

 Links to Other Sites

Certain links, including hypertext links, in our site will take you outside the Website. KCC will make reasonable efforts to ensure the content available on linked websites is not defamatory or offensive. Inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement or approval by KCC of the linked website, its operator or its content nor is KCC responsible for the content of any website or web page outside of the Website.


KCC endeavours at all times to make the Website as accessible as reasonably possible to all users. In no way does KCC seek to deliberately discriminate against disabled users to access the website service in accordance with the Disability Discrimination Act 1995.

Privacy Policy

This privacy policy only covers the Website at picandmix.org.uk. Web pages and websites linked to the Website are not covered by this policy. By submitting your data you consent to the use of that information as set out below.

Collection of information

KCC does not use cookies that collect personal information from visitors to the Website.

Cookies and logging of IP addresses may be used to enable KCC to monitor site traffic and repeat visitor statistics. The information cannot be used to identify any individual. To read more about cookies and IP addresses please refer to our “Explanation of technical terms”.

Personal information may be collected from an email sent by, a telephone call from or a Web form completed by a customer using a Website service or as feedback on our services.

In all cases the information requested will be no more than is necessary to provide the service promised.

Use of information

Any and all personal information collected is used only to monitor site usage, respond to enquiries or to carry out the service for which the customer supplied the information. Where personal data is requested through forms, such data is only used for the purpose stated on the form and will not be given or sold to any third parties without your consent.

Retention of information

As a general rule KCC will not keep information longer than is necessary and whilst in our possession KCC will safeguard your personal information according to the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998.

Personal data received as part of an enquiry are only retained as long as the enquiry remains open or for processing to obtain statistical information, in which case the data is anonymised.

Personal information collected by cookies is anonymous and held on a temporary basis.
Compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998

KCC will at all times comply with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998.

Explanation of technical terms


Used to locate and display Web pages via a software application. The most popular ones are Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox.


Message given to a web browser by a web server. The message is then stored by the browser in a text file called ‘cookie.txt’. Cookies are used to enable a website to ‘remember’ whether a user has visited the site before and possibly to store marketing information about previous visits (items bought last time, pages visited etc.). Cookies are also used to store temporary information as a user moves from page to page within a site (items in a shopping basket etc.). Such cookies are erased when the user session ends. This information is converted to number format for statistical purposes, and all information relating to the individual is erased when the user session is ended. Users can set their browser not to allow cookies to be stored in their computer. To do this, please follow the instructions provided with your web browser software.

IP Address

If you are connected to the Internet you have one, for example it may look something like this

User Session

A user’s visit to a site begins when the user first accesses any page on a given site and ends after a visitor has left that site and not revisited it within a specified amount of time (normally 20 minutes) or when the user’s browser is closed.

Web Server

Delivers (serves up) web pages to your computer.